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2030 Strategic Plan

We invite you to join us on the path to 2030 as we build the health workforce of the future to save lives—and our planet.

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Our 2030 Goals

The governments of Malawi, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Zambia have asked us to deepen, replicate, scale, and grow our partnerships because the results we’ve achieved together have increased the number of skilled health workers, strengthened the quality of care, and improved health outcomes in their countries.

Country Partnership

  • Continue and deepen our partnerships with the governments of Malawi, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Zambia to build and strengthen their national health workforces to close human resource gaps, expand access and improve patient quality of care, and save lives.
  • Support our government partners to scale, replicate, and expand proven approaches and interventions to additional sites when and where appropriate.

Climate and Pandemic Resilience

  • Educate, train, and mentor health workers to recognize and confront the health threats created by climate change, provide high-quality care and advise patients how to take care of their health during climate and other emergencies, and problem solve when challenges and emergencies arise.
  • Integrate the health effects of climate change into health professional school curricula when and where appropriate.


  • Advocate for new and strengthened global, regional, and national policies to educate, support, protect, absorb, and sustain the health workforce.


  • Advocate for increased international and domestic investments, development funding, and philanthropic giving to strengthen the global health workforce, especially across Africa.
  • Champion the need for financing to be flexible, long-term, and adapted to local needs.

Climate Change and Health

  • Raise awareness about the effects of climate change on human health and wellbeing and the need to strengthen health systems and the health workforce as critical adaptation measures.
  • Work across our four partner countries to support them to address and prepare for the impact of climate change on their health systems.

Our Approach

We partner deeply with governments, health professional schools, hospitals, and clinics across three core areas – education, practice, and policy – to achieve our goals.

Our approach is context-driven and country-led.

Our measures of success

With our partners, we will work to:

  • Close the gap. Increase the quantity of qualified and practice-ready health workers to achieve our partner country goals.
  • Bolster health systems. Strengthen sustainable and resilient institutions that transform care and save lives.
  • Catalyze investment. Increase and optimize global, national, and local allocation of resources for the health workforce.
  • Save lives. Improve health outcomes for the populations we serve.

Our measures of success provide a framework for how we will assess progress toward our 2030 goals in the short, medium, and long term.

Learn More

The front cover of the Seed Global Health 2030 Strategic Plan: Health Workers Save Lives.

Download our 2030 Strategic Plan

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Download our 2030 Strategic Plan (short version)

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