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Our Approach

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Country-led partnerships

We partner deeply with ministries of health, health professional schools, hospitals, health clinics, and policymakers across three critical areas: Education, Practice, and Policy.

Our partners approach Seed to help them solve complex health workforce challenges that, in many cases, they have recognized, put resources toward, and grappled with for years.

They invite us to work with them when they decide it is time to engage a trusted partner able to bring tailored resources—technical, human, financial, and material—to catalyze their efforts and drive results.


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Our Approach in Action


We develop and strengthen education and training programs for doctors, nurses, and midwives at health professional schools. We support our partners to introduce new academic specialties, e.g., family medicine; introduce internationally-accredited curricula and teaching resources; use competency-based education practices; establish skills labs for hands-on learning, and more.


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We support evidence-based, patient-centered clinical training and service delivery in health facilities. We ensure student health workers have the opportunity to practice their skills in clinical settings, supported by faculty and staff who have been specially-trained to coach and mentor them as they learn to care for patients. We also support our partners to introduce quality improvement efforts in their health facilities to improve patient care.


We advocate globally and nationally to create an enabling environment for health workers to deliver high-quality care. We support the development of national health workforce strategies, evidence-based climate change policies, and professional health worker associations. Globally, we advocate for more investment in the health workforce.


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