Seed Global Health Presents Refurbished Family Medicine Classroom to The University of Zambia
Seed Global Health partners with The University of Zambia and the Zambia Ministry of Health to strengthen family medicine education and training
Seed Global Health refurbished and handed over a family medicine classroom to The University of Zambia School of Public Health at University Teaching Hospital in April 2023. The classroom will serve the growing family medicine Master of Medicine program at the university and provide students and faculty with an upgraded classroom to support lectures and simulation training.
Seed Global Health and The University of Zambia launched our partnership in November 2019 to enhance family medicine training and increase the number of practice-ready family physicians able to deliver high-quality primary care to patients of all ages throughout Zambia.

The University of Zambia’s family medicine program is housed within the School of Public Health. Our partnership grew the program from two to more than 20 resident physicians in just three years. This rapid growth is critical to accelerating the country’s primary care delivery and ensuring it can meet the evolving health demands.
“It is my hope that what has started here will go on to strengthen the health system. The “seed” that has been planted at the University of Zambia through this partnership will hopefully spread throughout Zambia.”
Douglas Lungu, Zambia Operations Manager, Seed Global Health
Since our partnership began three years ago, Seed has placed three family medicine educators at The University of Zambia, who teach, mentor, and work alongside the family medicine trainees at Chilenje Hospital. In the next few years, the program’s graduates will assume faculty positions within the school, thus ensuring a sustainable pipeline of family medicine physicians to strengthen Zambia’s primary care system.

The upgraded classroom will facilitate a culture of clinical excellence, responsibility, and learning and will be available for use by the university for other programs and meetings.
Family medicine physicians in Zambia are “primary healthcare specialists who provide holistic clinical and preventive care, healthcare management, and research.” These physicians will strengthen primary health care and address some of the gaps in the health workforce by serving in rural, remote, and underserved communities.