Seed at the Conference on Public Health in Africa
Seed Global Health Supports Zambian Family Medicine Faculty and Students to Attend CPHIA in Lusaka, Zambia
Seed Global Health is supporting three University of Zambia (UNZA) School of Public Health family medicine students and four faculty members to attend the International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA) and engage in conversations around the importance of growing and developing the primary health care workforce in the region.
In Zambia, Seed Global Health partners with Zambia’s oldest and largest public health school, UNZA School of Public Health, to train the country’s first family medicine physicians.
The graduates of the UNZA family medicine master’s of medicine (MMed) program will be primary health care clinicians rigorously trained in public health: the family medicine program is the only physician training program housed at the UNZA School of Public Health.
Zambia’s first family medicine physicians will work in communities throughout Zambia, on the front lines of the health system, providing high-quality, comprehensive primary care that can respond flexibly and nimbly to emerging threats such as climate change.
Seed has memoranda of understanding with the Zambia Ministry of Health, African Union/Africa CDC, and UNZA School of Public Health to collaborate on health workforce training and development.